Faculty & Staff

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This is a passionate, seasoned faculty and staff. They work together and tap into their interests, experience, and research to optimize the learning experience for every child. Teachers intimately know their students—what makes them tick, when to challenge, and when to hold back—and they’re empowered to adjust the pace and content of their classes based on the readiness and interests of their children.

Click on a name to see contact information and to learn more about each person.

David Feldman
David Feldman
Head of School
Andy Zimmer
Andy Zimmer
Assistant Head of School
Heather Asteriou
Heather Asteriou
Development Consultant
Catherine Audette
Catherine Audette
Assistant Director of Auxiliary and Summer Programs
Amanda Austin
Amanda Austin
2nd Grade
Sadie Awad
Sadie Awad
Orchestra Director
Ryan Becker
Ryan Becker
Middle School Learning Support Specialist and Assistant Athletic Director
Jason Beckerleg
Jason Beckerleg
Director of Marketing & Communications
Carrie Berkley
Carrie Berkley
Lower School Counselor
Sarah Bernhardt
Sarah Bernhardt
Lower School Math Enrichment
Michelle Borton
Michelle Borton
Band Director and Alumni Coordinator
Kara Burgess
Kara Burgess
Administrative Associate for Academic Leadership
Marchell Burgess
Marchell Burgess
Lower School Director
Wei Cao
Wei Cao
Leslie Capozzoli
Leslie Capozzoli
Director of Student Life and Community Engagement
Debbie Carbone
Debbie Carbone
Priyanka Chaudhary
Priyanka Chaudhary
Young Fives Teacher Aide
Ellen Chenier
Ellen Chenier
5th Grade
Alison Collicott
Alison Collicott
3rd Grade
Kristin Davidson
Kristin Davidson
Academic Enrichment Specialist
Jake Dishman
Jake Dishman
Academic Enrichment Specialist
Suzan Duenyas
Suzan Duenyas
Development Associate
Renee Durrant
Renee Durrant
Technology Director
Kristen Ellis
Kristen Ellis
Y5-1st Teacher Aide
Guillermo Fajardo
Guillermo Fajardo
Middle School Spanish
Deborah Gabrion
Deborah Gabrion
Lower School Spanish
Mike Glennie
Mike Glennie
Lower School PE
Uma Gopalakrishnan
Uma Gopalakrishnan
QUEST Science
Amy Hanna
Amy Hanna
Young Fives
Sam Heidtke
Sam Heidtke
1st Grade
Jessica Hoag
Jessica Hoag
Physical Education (4th-8th)
Athletic Director
Claire Hughes
Claire Hughes
1st Grade Teacher Aide
Kim Hughes
Kim Hughes
3rd Grade
Nicole Jenkins
Nicole Jenkins
1st Grade
Valerie Johnson
Valerie Johnson
Carol Kelly
Carol Kelly
8th Grade Language Arts
Equity Program Director
Soyeon Kim
Soyeon Kim
Lower School Art
Jen Kime
Jen Kime
5th Grade
Emily Kwon
Emily Kwon
8th Grade Science
Linda Lakshminarayanan
Linda Lakshminarayanan
Mollie Lammers
Mollie Lammers
Learning Support
Director of Support and Enrichment
Terry Langston
Terry Langston
Director of Development
Abbie Lawrence-Jacobson
Abbie Lawrence-Jacobson
Middle School Counselor
Lesley Littman
Lesley Littman
7th Grade Social Studies
Language Arts
Mariah Mallett
Mariah Mallett
Director of Finance and Operations
Alyssa Marcangelo
Alyssa Marcangelo
4th Grade
Brianna May
Brianna May
2nd Grade
Pete McClure
Pete McClure
Building & Grounds Assistant
Matthew McCoy
Matthew McCoy
Lower School Music
Carly Meloche
Carly Meloche
Director of Summer and Auxiliary Programs
Julie Moon
Julie Moon
Middle School Theatre Arts
Megan Muhs
Megan Muhs
Middle School Math
Beth Nazario
Beth Nazario
QUEST Technology
4th Grade Latin
Matt Nolan
Matt Nolan
7th Grade Science
Jaime Phelps
Jaime Phelps
QUEST Science
Laurie Powell
Laurie Powell
Business Office Associate
Lisa Psarouthakis
Lisa Psarouthakis
Director of Admissions
Mike Puckett
Mike Puckett
Director of Buildings & Grounds
Michelle Schefsky
Michelle Schefsky
Victoria Scott
Victoria Scott
8th Grade Social Studies
Middle School Latin
Bryan Seymour
Bryan Seymour
6th Grade Language Arts
Social Studies
Katie Seymour
Katie Seymour
Meghan Sochocki
Meghan Sochocki
4th Grade
Jessica Taranto
Jessica Taranto
4th Grade
Joe Taranto
Joe Taranto
5th Grade
Jen Thornby
Jen Thornby
Katie Tilton
Katie Tilton
QUEST Technology
Ali Trimner
Ali Trimner
Eddie VanRiper
Eddie VanRiper
Middle School Math
Lauren Vemuri
Lauren Vemuri
School Nurse
Kelly Vohland
Kelly Vohland
Admissions Associate
Grant Weston
Grant Weston
Michael Wilson
Michael Wilson
3rd Grade
Alison Wink
Alison Wink
Y5-2nd Grade Learning Support
Bill Wood
Bill Wood
8th Grade Math